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Victor, 50 y.o.
Fort Kent, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2013
Oh, Vatican City for sure! Sadly, my feet have not yet achieved their longed for desire of touching down upon foreign soil nor have my eyes had the chance to take in the stunning views of the various countries. It's my dream to spend a summer in the French countryside. For now though I must content myself with the experiences already had in the various states I visited: VA, NY, WI, MD, PA, etc. :)

So, what are some things you feel strongly about? I know some people on interpals don't like to talk about their strong beliefs for fear of possible offense, but I think it's at the heart of a good conversation.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2013
History was always my favorite subject in school next to theology. I enjoy history and have a soft spot for good architecture. And you? Italy must be a wonderful place to visit. Yes, I can imagine myself walking down those old stone roads and stopping to admire the view. It would be nice to visit when it's very warm as I imagine the flowers would be very picturesque.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2013
Thanks for welcoming me. What's the nicest country you've visited so far?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2013
Sounds like you have a really enjoyable job. I agree that most people don't know what true freedom means.
inactive user
Hi fellow Maine-iac! I'm located in Machias. :~D It's great finding someone else who's really into Maine, the outdoors, etc.
inactive user
You THINK!! why not try it and see what will happen, so what kind of picture you will say it`s stunning?? :P and yes, i am astonished that you survive without TV, how long have it been??

I am Winnie by the way :)
inactive user
thank you... :) joanna
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Hall Quarry on Mount Desert Island. I mostly kept to myself with all the hiking I did. Most days I worked until 2:30 then I stayed out of the tourist's way (even though I was probably considered one myself)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
No :-) not at the same day!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2011's been awhile since I've made carrot cake. Today, I will bake zucchini bread again, I think. My garden has exploded with zucchini.
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