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Magda, 31 y.o.
Białystok, Poland [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
hello! how have you been, magda? :D
inactive user
haha, awww, poor girl! :D i know how you feel! ;D when i finished all my finals, i don't think i got a bit of sleep the whole week! :D Well, i'm going to California this week, and then Colorado for a two weeks. :D I'm pretty excited, I love the sea! :) it's one of my favorite places to be, back at California.
inactive user
hey magda! :D i'm doing great, just getting all packed up for vacation this week! :D what about you? :) hope all is well! :D
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2010
Lol I'm agree with you, I never know what to write.
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2010
I'm fine and you ?
I think german is really hard.
inactive user
:):) These are my knowing things in polish ^^ good start for communıcate İ guess :):)

What can i do That picture (you) is very nice :)
inactive user
Iyiyim , sen nasilsin ? (im fine, how are you) what you dont know :)
inactive user
Yes poland people always shock when i say smth in polish they like me :) ok hi-selam , how are you?-Nasilsin? , iyiyim-im fine , kotuyum-im bad , Ne yapiyorsun?-What are you doing? , adin ne? - what is your name? , its a good start in conversation xD
inactive user
:) No , just 1-2 simple questions.But i want to learn :) Maybe if we talk and know each other you can teach me more if you want :P
inactive user
whatever i cant explain it xD
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