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Caro, 44 y.o.
Vienna, Austria [Current City]

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Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Very cool! What kind of movie is it?
inactive user
How have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2013
Coucou De France. Après avoir lu ton profil,j'ai maintenant envie de crêpes nutella bananes !
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2012
Let's get married and do nasty things online.
(I can play durty too)
inactive user
haha, thanks for posting that link :) I love lost girl! I haven't started watching the next season yet if it has started..... I watch a lot of tv on the internet too so I don't feel like I have to keep up cause I can sometimes get hooked and finish a whole season in one night. The 'lose it' song is the Austra song I liked best, and very nicely placed in that lost girl video. :D

I would love to see the video of your cat, that would be pretty cool actually. Let me know when its ready!

Dexter is extremely photogenic when he sleeps.... I do have photos, we'll have a whole nerdy animal lover's sharing day sometime! lol.... I got to find the photos of Dexter.

What's the current film your working on about?
inactive user
I really like Austra (listening to them now)
inactive user
I never really knew too much about Tegan & Sara before a couple years ago but I did get to see them live last year! I am checking out those other Canadian bands you mentioned......listening to Broken Social Scene right now.

Dexter says hi back :-)
inactive user
Dexter is more of a serial bird killer, there are feathers everywhere outside! That and a serial sleeper..... that cat sleeps at least 15 hours a day! I love Imagine me and you..... I've got to watch that movie again soon. Thanks for dropping by :)
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