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Cat, 54 y.o.
Buena Park, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 56.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2008
Hey Cat,

Seasons Greetings from the other side of the globe, lol.

Hoping this finds you & yours in fine health & wealth( well maybe not wealth lol).

Take care

inactive user
Hey, so you mean you're into alternative health. Preach to me about it. I don't mind.
inactive user
Hi my friend
I'm in tunis the capital of Tunisia
Tunisia is a neighbour country of libya it's a small country with 10 billion popultation and 160 000 km sq area, it's was a french colony that's why french is a language that tunisian use beside arabic
Tunis is on medeterranian sea coast it's a city of 2 billion population
u can goolge for tunisia you can learn more about my country
It's nice to meet you and learn more about you
inactive user
thanks for popping in ? you have some great 'tattoos',i have one or two,would like to know what you think...i will place som pictures up soon..............stay well.stay strong.

Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2008
hi dear,
i live in Sri Lanka.
I like know more detaisl about you
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2008
hmmm... before my first daughter was born I always wanted to have boys. Now I have three girls - and it is just perfect. I can't imagine anything else. wonder though, what it's like to raise boys. still, deep, deep inside of me, I'm thinking, that one day I will have a boy. Don't tell my husband.... he thinks three kids is more than enough...
inactive user
ok,my friend enjoy your book. Talk to you later
inactive user
They're still on strike? I haven't been following that story lately. I agree their won't be anything good for a while.....until your husbands film comes out.
inactive user
Thats a great story to share with people, I'm sure not many have been picked up by him,lol. To bad your mom "cut" your head off though,lol. I agree with you on the stupid movies....far to many of them. I really thnk Hollywood's running out of fresh material. I mean there remaking old tv shows and redoing original movies.
inactive user
Thats really exciting!! Being able to make a movie. Someday I'll see his name in the credits of a Bond movie,that be cool! I got lucky on that guess,lol I figured I had a 50/50 chance,lol.
I recently watched the Hound Of The Baskerville with (that guy from the original Star Wars movie) as Sherlock,I'm so tired I can't remember his name,lol
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