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Anais, 37 y.o.
Chicago, United States [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 900.
inactive user
Hey it's coo I've been busy, Japan is awesome love it this friday I'm going to fukuoka so i won't have internet access, but yeah it's great but I wished I could've seen more since I'm only here for study abroad I haven't been out of nagasaki much so I'm glad to be taking this trip lol, what you been up to?
inactive user
aww that sucks all of a sudden I'm a drama freak again I think I go through phases from movies and dramas, I still got time that I've finished "that fool" "he who can't marry aka the man that can't marry" and I'm about to catch shining inheritance when I'm done with Hateful but once again lol, my semester is starting in three weeks so I gotta finish these before I can't watch them anymore T-T lol, ah I see yeah my schedule is about the same way sometimes business is slow so I don't have to do anything so I take my labtop with me to watch dramas if I get really busy then I have no time not even to watch one episode -_-, haha I don't think when the semester starts that I will be organized during the first few weeks I might have it in my head "one more episode won't hurt" then it turns from one hour to five hours of watching lol, if I watch a drama I have to finish it to know what going on that's one of the disadvantages to a movie. If i was into movies I would've watched more than a hundred titles by now lol, I've been good I just got better from an allergic reaction, I didn't even know I was allergic to anything but my skin reacted to a dozen mosquito bites but I'm better now lol I'm trying not to go outside so much I don't want to end up going to class looking like a wreck lol how've you been?
inactive user
haha I'm working during the summer as well but I still got free time to watch dramas XD it's not to tiring, hope you take it easy ^^ you don't even have time for dramas? =P
inactive user
oh wow hope you're not stressed, I just need sleep lol I always procrastinate saying "I definitely get to bed early" but next things I know I'm going to bed at 2/3 in the morn T-T but I doing good so far I get to bed at 10/11 so I'm not that much of a zombie when i wake up for my 8 am class lol, yeah this is my final week too man it went fast and I got so much to do that it feels like I only have half the week to do it arg and it's going to be over very quickly, you're lucky I have an literature class(my only hard class) and I need to write an 8 page essay by Monday that counts for my final so I'm definitely feeling the pressure =P
inactive user
Heyz it's coo next week I'll be busy FINALS T_T arg! after that week is over than I'll be working lol, how've you been?
inactive user
LMAO that so funny my ringtone is rainism as well, and my message alert is "it's okay" by Untouchable feat hwayobi, those songs I have on replay in the car, and my profile pages lol, Especially with TVXQ I can't stop fangirling over them no matter what lol, oh I saw that! I love it but only yoochun and uknow has their own, and of course the whole group has a clip,but I'm wondering when the rest of them will have individual clips too, I can't wait for Junsu's, Changmin, and Jae's lol, I know those commercials really do bring a smile to your face
inactive user
Heyz I'm deleting my old url so this is my new one =P, yeah I saw their MV HOT did you see their newest Wrong number "faint" seriously I'm so fangirling lol and I got a lot of deadlines that I leaving off =P, I think they're new style is definitely the turning point of establishing that they're men and not boys anymore XD, lol I know what you mean anything that deals with them I have to wait to see them with my sister as well lol so I got a partner to fangirl with lol, it out on youtube the subs version the whole episode it's so funny XD, and the rain one is out too his comeback special with Kim sun ah, and his cut on Kang ho dong's show I forget the name, do you like rain? I forget lol
inactive user
haha xDDD


i feel a little bad now.. :(
i dont know why.. D: how about u?
inactive user
good to hear that ! :DD
dbsk's songs are so nice ^_^
inactive user
lol I got into the halloween spirit late so I just went to a club with friends, they dressed up it was so much fun looking at all the costumes people came up with, I wished I had a costume prepared, oh wow lmao yeah you should get started on your projects same here!,i've been fangirling so bad you have no idea I have so many project I leave for last minute that I'm so sleepy all the time lol you should watch Family outing with xiah and u-know so hot! and hilarious seriously those dongbangboys are my favorite
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