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Jon, 36 y.o.
Lafayette, United States [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
Hello, how are you doing?
inactive user
Haha maybe it's just coincidence.
But I think that is kind of odd!
inactive user
Thumbs up for interesting threads started on religion and philosophy! and Happy New year!
inactive user
Hi, thank you for your post. The forum is full of religion related discussions. Sometimes topics could be very dry. Your threads is just a lighthouse. I appreciate a lot. There is an outstanding Australian gentleman, who might be out for vacation these days. When he is back I believe he will actively response your post.
Happy new year!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2013
You are vary intresting. I like unique people.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2013
Thanks for the reply. I can understand that.

Hm I don't think I have personal philosophies to mention much or I guess if there's any they just come when I'm in some kind of argument. I think all my thinking are some kind of effect of some one elses' philosophies.
As I'd understood all those things that I'd gone through all the past years, eventually what remained with my tolerance is what has made the person I am now. Well, mostly Buddhism and books and those people I'd communicated with so far too have affected that I guess.

Anyway I believe people change. I'd changed all my life. so if I say I'm like this it would be at this moment I write this. I think everyone s an individual, it's stupid to think as opposite, specially as communities, may be stereotypes. It's what made our lives so difficult. Trying to fit into someones else's perceptions. Ah that may be mine *wink*
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2013
Hi!, shall we become friends?
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