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Liqun, 38 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
inactive user
Your friends would like to see you very much.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2012
the impression a got after reading your profile is the perhaps you are a bit more human than most humans :). enjoy the week :)
inactive user
你的About me超级棒的~表示有交集@U@
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2012
Hello again, would you like to be friends?
inactive user



inactive user
thnk you!^^ I am pleased to have a friend from China!
inactive user
hi!!!^^ can we be a good friend?^^
inactive user
Ni hao Natalie! How are you?
Same with me. If I feel myself restless or unhappy, I take a book to my hand and open it.. and then I’m in the different world. I somehow always put my soul into the lives of the characters.
Right now I’m reading Rules of the Wild written by Francesca Marciano. It’s very interesting book about it what’s it like to be white in Africa.
What kind of books you prefer? Do you like romantic novels? They are my favourite. I would like to widen my taste of the books, but I always ended up to read more and more novels.

Cooking is always nice. If you have good time and the right mood to cook, then it’s like art as you wrote it your profile. Maybe we could exchange some recipes?

I used to not like telling about myself, but nowadays I kind a like it. We all have our stories and dreams.
I could say I’m a normal 18-years old girl, but it sounds very boring.
I’m 18, but sometimes I feel myself very naïve and on the opposite, very mature. I go high school, it’s not my passion, but I know it’s not going to last forever. And I always remind me about it, that there I can learn languages. I love languages! I find them really fascinating.
I somehow always have a longing to go abroad. My mum keeps saying “ if you’re not happy here, you’re not happy anywhere elsewhere:” I know it, but who says Finland is the country for me. I could imagine me living abroad someday. Different cultures and ways of live interests me. It’s always nice to learn something new and become more open-minded.
I have many dreams, sometimes I dreams a way too much.. I live in my dreams, but I think it’s good to have dreams. I have both : small and big dreams. I want to travel a lot, I want to work as a voluntary worker in Africa, I want to be happy, I want to have true friends, I want to live like each day could be my last. Maybe it sounds a clishé, but I mean it:)
I live in the countryside with my mum, dad, sister and brother. We have
inactive user
While reading your profile, I felt like you're very similar with me.
Me too, I like to read and cook! Both things are somehow so, hmm I don't know how to say it, just somehow some mind opening. I like too cook exotic foods:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2010
Hello ^^
My name is Mikaila.
I am 19 years old.
I live in California, USA.
I am very interested in traditional Chinese culture.
I love email and snail mail, both.
I hope we can become friends!
Take Care!
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