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Lauren macpherson, 31 y.o.
Inverness, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 618.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2014
Happy birthday dear friend ;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2013
hey i know right? how's it been going?
inactive user
inactive user
inactive user
Where do you wanna go to?
inactive user
But maybe you will move on soon :p
inactive user
Physics. Yeah.. Thats quite a problem in Inverness. once I almost submitted a job application, but the guy told that there are already another 120 applicants, so mine would go straight through the shredder. :s
inactive user
im in uni :) its fun. And what do you do?
inactive user
I study. prepare for future.. :p Since September!
So did you move about a lot in Scotland?
inactive user
nah :D i feel free.. And way too busy to be lonely :p I have no time to sit down and think about stuff like that :) got a lot of things that I want to do.. Its all so time consuming
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