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Kenzi, 33 y.o.
Portland, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 170.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2008
well hello.
i think i might know you from somewhere...?
maybe IDK
inactive user
Where've you been in my life dear. I miss ya. :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2008
haha nopes i was in South America when you wrote that ^^ i'm back now and i guess pretty tanned? :P
inactive user
oh here, they just start over with the first episode haha :D
well, i like a lot of movies.
eyes wide shut, thats a masterpiece !
and than i like chickfliks, like 10 things i hate about you, something about mary, etc.
i just hate horrormovies ! they make me pee in my pants haha. I like thrillers though, just nothing with monsters..
how about you ?
inactive user
And how've you been dear :)
inactive user
Haha that 70's show rocks right ? :D
inactive user
You sure I don't need to do that? That's good to know. No you will lose badly and then I'll make you my mixed doubles partner. If you're good at the baseline then I will go to the net because I'm rather good at netplay but baseline running is fun as well.

Of course I'm pro at laziness, I can even multi-task eating and sleeping in one way. Even sitting on the toilet and read and zone out is a skill. If there was an Olympic event I'd win hands down.

Possibility of possibly is possible. Lol.
inactive user
So I should be showering you with praise oh glorious and beautiful lady? Haha.

That's the best part of any holidays which is lazy and the involvement of being lazy as well. And yes it isn't an argument but more the fact I will win and you will lose and then I have to comfort you with hugs and all, haha.

Haha, possibility there :P
inactive user
Hehe, I just missed your in general but that's for another day of somewhat kissing *** and brown-nosing. Sure have been playing tennis still and you will not be able to win against me now. As for the partying, too lazy to do that really.

Haha, we should talk more. :D
inactive user
Where've you been in my life, haha. :D
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