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Kazukazu, 37 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 152.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2010

Watahi wa chanelle desu!

Ogenki desu ka?
inactive user
:) Hello.
inactive user
konnichiwa. ogenki desu ka. watashi no namae wa Kaan desu. Toruko kara kimashita. Anata wa Toruko e itta koto ga arimasu ka.

hello. how are you.i am Kaan from Turkey. have u ever been in Turkey
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2010
inactive user
hello~ are you studying english and chinese??
I can speak them fluently ^^

I want to practice my Japanese because I am going to study in Japan for one year in 3 weeks!! i am so nervous~~

i hope we can help each other ^^
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2010
Hi Kazu!^^

Hahaha!! You are so good to search Japanese food for me.
Last week, I went to Japan fair at one of shopping mall in the city. I taste a lot of food. Yummy! I like squid with wasabi the most. Am I weird? Haha^^ It tastes so good! I love sashimi a lot!

Good!! Study a lot is the good thing ever! Wish you luck!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2010
Haha^^ You dont know Japanese restaurant? So where you usually eat?

Yeah! Walking is good for health^^ I dont want to waste my money on unnecessary things there. Haha^^ You are good at walking? Must be interesting!

Never mind, it is not another few months I will fly to Japan. You can learn English by now. I also can Japanese. I think it not be really bad because you still can understand English pretty well^^

What are doing during weekend?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2010
Yes, sushi king. I loved seaweed soup, miso soup, sushi with raw salmon, the egg(it tastes different from the normal egg, it is sweet), the squid, and many more.^^
You should take me to the best restaurant in Japan if I go there. Haha^^ Just kidding.

I cannot remember, it has been a long time ago. But I will check it later.
Transport fee? Oh, I guess I should walking for one place to another place. Furthermore, it is good for my health, I can exercise in the same time. I also can see the lifestyle of Japanese people. Fun!!!!

Yes, I am university student. I'm taking pre-law. Next year, I will take my degree programme. In Malaysia, we use British system. we cannot go to degree programme after graduate from high school. Either we go for A-level or foundation. For me I take foundation. I graduate my high school at age 17 years old.^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2010
Hi Kazu! I am fine thanks.

Where are the place you are working?
Yes, I like Japanese food. Sushi especially. In Malaysia, there are one restaurant call Sushi King. Yummy! One of my favorite restaurant.

Yes, I have. But I forget the name is. the place where the youngsters show off their style and fashion. Kind of exciting! I know about it from America's next top model show.
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