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Glenn, 43 y.o.
Kampala, Uganda [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
inactive user
Hi!! It has been a long time! I sent you an email awhile ago and never got a reply. How are you? I miss talking to you too! Life here is a little crazy but nothing unmanageable! I'm in the process of helping a friend who's getting ready to go to Zambia for a month with World Vision. Exciting stuff!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2010
hey mate hows it going! im looking for a friend to chat to and id like u to help me make a video for my friends birthday :D
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2009
Hey Glenn,
How is your life? Is it o k to become your friend?
inactive user
inactive user
Hi Glenn!
I've sent you an email :). I'm sorry it's taken me so long - I took a break from the internet for awhile as my real life got very busy.
inactive user
awww thx u for ur message, I would love to be ur friend. Ilikethat u work in childrens home is really nice. I would love to help african children breaks my heart they dont have ther mum n dad.
I have 2children myself.
Hope to hear from u soon
inactive user
Hi Glenn!

I'm sorry I haven't emailed you back! I'll get right on that - I have lots of stuff to tell you! Happy New Year to you too! I'm going to get a haircut and meet some friends for lunch but I PROMISE I will email you when I get home!

Crystal xoxo
inactive user
I like children..i am studying in an a child care course and after i will work in nursing
inactive user
Thanks for your message :) I do not judge people. You are working with children? Do you enjoy it?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2008
your a great person
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