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Jordan King, 31 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 716.
inactive user
You have an amazing taste in music, mate!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2012
wow you are having time of your life :)
well I am ill for 2 days, and trying to read something but I have no strength to do anything.
I am looking for a friend who likes grey's anatomy but evidently I can't find him :(
so it's not too bad but fine :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2012
i guess so :] so how are you doing?:)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2012
yeah thanks Jordan :) Today we have 3 golden medals :D
I don't know. I don't live in Astana to celebrate :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2012
you got a fine for having a rest?! dang. :/
inactive user
Just, uh, leaving you more messages to look at. WITH MY NEW LAPTOP. :)

Tee hee.
inactive user
I love drama! Class, that is. Hate the real stuff. Taking an acting class at the local college this fall. Really excited about it. :)
Flying out to Atlanta in three days! So much to do before then though. Aaaagghhh!

Slightly, slightly.

So did you take drama because you needed to fill an elective, or do you actually enjoy it? :P
inactive user
Lol! What girl is this?

You're kind've on the border.

And thank you!!! :D I'm so happy! Now for a really chill weekend. :)

And you're not THAT much older, mmkay? :P
inactive user
I see. Yeah, I'm sure you could cut the testosterone with a knife.

Yes, I suppose we do. Okay then yeah, maybe a wide range of accents. Maybe. ;)

So you're like a cusp Aries/Taurus?

December 11th. :)
inactive user
I don't remember if I asked you this before or not, but when's your birthday?
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