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Yewon, 28 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City & Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Some college

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 6 months ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 361.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
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HEllo Yewon, I am Ernesto from Lima Peru
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The app is being really annoying and I can’t write back to you
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Add me on instagram: artandfarties
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Yeah yeah, I really like this kind of song (I listen a lot of DSBM tho). Maybe if you listen « Thy light » you may like this band. I suggest you « in my last morning ». :p
inactive user
Woah the song you post as favorite music sounds like post Black Metal. It’s funny you like this kind of music, through your picture you seem to be happy with your smile, but listening this kind of depressive song... So awesome :o
inactive user
coz of same age wanted 2 say a "Hi"^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2017
Let's go to heaven! Being born into this world again is too stressful and won't the zombies still be around dying twice will be too torturous for us haha.
What creature would you want to be born as?
I think 'Train to Busan' had really cool zombies. Like the part when they covered the door, and the zombies stopped because they couldn't see their target. Or when they went in the tunnel and it was dark, and they could not see that was amazing. We could definitely stay at home and survive with those zombies I believe haha.
Are kids allowed to watch zombie movies at the age?! Lol, my brother is around that age, and he gets angry if we play horror movies when he's around.
28 weeks later had scary zombies indeed. Yes, zombie movies are enjoyable haha but no I've never read any zombie webtoon before. I've only ever read one webtoon called 'cheese in the trap.'
I recently found out about webtoons all I knew about before was Japanese mangas. I'd love to read the webtoons that caused you that fear they must be really good. Do recommend some xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2017
HAHA don't worry we won't make it together then. we'd die
a HAPPY DEATH together lol

Smart ones are smart haha they'd definitely have an idea that you're there 100%

Have you heard of the series called 'the walking dead' I think definitely that we would survive with those zombies!
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