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Jonathan, 41 y.o.
Beccles, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
I'm a biologist, I work in a consulting firm.
What do you do?
inactive user
Always ready, I love my job xD
inactive user
Hey! My weekend's been great, thanks. And you? Ready for a new week?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2011
I would like to do use my accountancy qualification and gain experience in working in other countries. How long are the placements you are looking at?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2011
Yes, New Zealand would also be amazing to see. Conservation work really, this is through a placement project and they seem to have a lot of wildlife related positions that I would enjoy. How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2011
Really? Thats interesting. Both offer a lot and are quite expensive, its really hard to decide!
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