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Ying, 29 y.o.
Kaohsiung, Taiwan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 106.
inactive user
Good photo where did u take it?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2014
lazy grilled hahaaaa Mica ?! Jenny Jenny Jenny ( ̄∇ ̄)
Quickly decide the topic this week XD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2014
Ok Jennifer hahaaa
So is Jenny your nickname XD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2014
瑜瑛 or Jenny hahaaa
星期一咖啡廳喔( ´▽` )ノ
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2014
Have you received my letter? :p
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2014
OOPS TOO LATE REPLY: Umm on every end of a school year, on the last day of school before summer break starts, we blast ourselves with water in school yard! fun fun fun :D
Well, if we speak about North and South Korea, of course i mean all this for South Korea. If we talk about South Korea only, well i guess i prefer Seoul, since i m most common with it :P
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2014
Thank you too!
Nice to meet you too and have a great day !
inactive user
I am now writing my reply letter, so sorry about the awful delay! >_< It'll be on its way this very week, I promise! :D
inactive user
Hahha yeah :3
I have to admit, since I started a relationship I haven't bought my mom a bday gift either because my mom's birthday is 2 days before christmas and I spend almost all of my money to my bf's christmas present... oh my god I'm a terrible daughter :DD
Ohh that's so sweet! What did you eat? I don't have any cousins :< I think that's a bit sad.
It's raining here too and we have a thunder storm every day. I'm just sitting in my room and being scared haha :D
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