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James , 37 y.o.
Grand Rapids, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 71.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2016
inactive user
if you want Egyption Arabic, i can help you
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
because all write the same questions, it bothers
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2015
That's what Im saying right. Like dude. unclench your butt and stop thinking every guy in the world wants to have sex with you.

I swear to god, its like every girl online thinks to themselves. ''He wants to show me his dick, I don't know how he's going to do it. I don't know when he's going to try it, but I know its coming."

Some people actually care about teaching.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
I know right? Like people apparently want to practice there English, you have to hear it spoken hello!
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2015
Hi ,my name is Vahid, I'm from Iran and I speak Persian. I'm studying English at college, and I like to have an English speaker friend , to improve my speaking. Can you be kind enough To help me? I can help u with Persian and Iranian cuIture in return if u want.
Thanks in advance, Vahid.
inactive user
that is horrid why would they do that
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
i can help u with Persian if u want. just be in contact with me
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
im a Persian speaker who wants to improve his english speakings. can u help me?
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