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Alejandra, 27 y.o.
La Calera, Colombia [Current City & Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
hello friend iwould like to correspond with u as ur pal friendship by exchanges email and snails hope to heat from u soon
inactive user
hey you got mail so answer it...
inactive user
I wish you & your family a very Happy *"NEW YEAR 2019"*💐💐

With Regards:-
inactive user
And what exactly a sarcastic person looks like? :D
inactive user
Your name reminds me of a song
inactive user
hello my friend iwould like to correspond with u asur palfriendship by exchanges email and snails hope to hear fro m u soon
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2018
inactive user
Hmm What do you mean about your hobbies?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2018
What was the last situation that your sarcasm dumbfound your listeners? :D
inactive user
muy dulce sonrisa
cara muy bonita
Dios te salve a ti y a toda la familia
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