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İsmail, 25 y.o.
İnegol, Turkey [Current City]


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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2014
Hey Lieltal! You re funky and dishonest person.. Firstly;
Im not Arabic.. Im Turk exactly..
And Im not supporting terrorist , Im supporting innocent people..
And we are not stupid.. Dont forget.. My ancestors helped to you in1400-1900.. Dont forget! We are stronger and clever than you.. We are Turkish nation.. We are carring noble blood..
And I can talk with you.. Because You dont know english.. Look at this mistakes; sussport? İn terrorist? Someine? Terrorite?
And you accept you re terrorist at your firt sentence.. "We re terrorist and we dont supporting to terrorist"
I cant say anything.. Because you have already acepted
inactive user
go to hell terroriste arabic!!like your friend!!
inactive user
what the connect?!stupid!!!
we are terroriste and dont sussporting in terroriste!!!!! i dont want to agrude with you because you sussport in terrroriste and you are arabic!!!so it is not impposible:/
but i can tell you that you and you the stupid turkish hate us with out reason!!!!!yeah i have your palestine terroriste!!!!we are not terrorite palestine and you are terroriste!!!!i hope that people like you dissapear in the world!!that it i dont want to talking in terroriste any more!!!speically someine that suspport and pround of the terror!!!bye!!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2014
Yes, of course :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2014
Hi !!
Nice to meet you ^___________^
We can practice English each other :))
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2014
You re not killing babies ? How old is your brain age?
inactive user
What i think about?!i say the true!!
We are not bad!!!we are not killed babies!!!
Palestine terroriste are killed their...
You are more turkish that sussport of terroriste!!!!wake up your eyes!!!
inactive user
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