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Duhyewon, 34 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
Unfortunately It isn\'t my umbrella but friend of mine. Yes it is so nice - I love umbrellas and red colourxD
Thanks, nice you like my photo^^
inactive user
always like!
inactive user
Hm no I didn\'t see it but I will try to find it if you say that is good:) Hm I haven\'t seen newest HP yet...Some people told me it\'s great some that\'s not so good. However I will go for it:P
Photography is so great but sometimes it is hard to make photo which is the same with the realityxD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2007
다운받으면 주소 알려줘 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 등록하게
지금 받는중?!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2007
korean.. you used msn?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2007
inactive user
so what are your interests? I think after today my new interest will be cooking. I\'m now making tiramisu with my mum (so good she\'s next to me, in other way I will eat it all at once:P)...It looks deliciousxD
inactive user
Hi! You look very nice and friendly:)How r u?
inactive user
hy hw r u!
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