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Drea, 36 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2011
Busy with school eh? That's important...especially in today's crappy economy...I just graduated and I lost count of how many jobs i've applied to. If there ever was a good/important time to further your education i'd say it's now. saying that makes me feel like a parent. Sorry if I do sound that way. xD

Sakura Drops is golden. I love Hikari, but that's because it was the first one I heard her sing...and it took me forever to find it (none of my friends listened to international pop or music at the time).

=( It really is terrible. But I am sure they will recover soon...because they have to. That and I made it a goal I've been saving up for to visit to make that feasable they have to recover (blatant selfish reason). But what I'm more concerned about is the economic damages to all the now homeless people there now. =(

If I may be so rude to ask, what field/major are you studying?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2011
O.o I think you may be my second doppelganger...You like avatar, you like anime, you realize the awesomeness of rukia, and you want to study abroad in Japan. Awesome!

My name is Michael and I like pretty much everything you listed including Japanese, and if your library is missing japanese books because someone has been hoarding them all importing them form all across cali, it might be me. xD

You like BoA, ayumu hamasaki and snsd...etc (too many). I biasedly say you have excellent taste. xD But above like Utada as well? What's your favorite song. I know it's hard but I think the song you are looking for starts sounds like her name, and matches the kanji for light (光) XP

That said, I do hope Japan recovers soon. >_< Dear God, i was just about to travel over there when the tsunami hit...and I feel a bit bad I wasn't there...the entire guilt of not being there to help complex, you know.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2011
hello there,
it seems that u really interested in Japan.
condolences for them
inactive user
well, we have many traditions for the new year.
I guess you can just learn from these websites.

Anyway, happy new year& have fun with your friends :)
inactive user
Well, I didn't visit my family for the Christmas, but now I do for the New year's day^^
Are you gonna do something for the New year's day??
inactive user
That's OK, just take your time^^

Well, actually I didn't do anything special :(
How about you??
inactive user
I'm fine thanks :)
How about you?? oh, and merry christmas to you~^^
inactive user
Hello, hajimemashite!
Nice to meet you:D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2010
Konnichiwa drea-san!
Thank you^^
Oh! I like bleach too :D
My favorite are bleach and reborn...and more!
inactive user
Ohh wanna add me? :D
Gimmie gimmie and we can converse on there lol :D
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