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Helen, 27 y.o.
Rawtenstall, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2015
It's ok Iggy I forgive! I'm just too awesome!!!!!
inactive user
Thank you so much ;)
No problemm!!<3
inactive user
Hahaha it's okay, don't worry about it being late Helen :D haha it was really sweet of you to wish me a happy birthday ;)
inactive user
Hahaha thank you Helen :D Hahaha oh don't worry about it being late, it's the thought that counts ;)
inactive user
Hey thanks for viewing my profile!
I'm Aaron :)
inactive user
Aweee..yeah that is right!!! ;D Thank you so muchhh <3
and I am sorry that I am late because I was out of my city and had no internet there :/
I am here now ;D

Again,thank you <3
inactive user
Cool ^__^ xx and same about money, sims 4 would probably cost about £30 something
inactive user
yeah ^^ xx but I don't think I'll buy it straight away, when sims 3 came out I got it preordered so it came with this cool usb plumbob and stuff :3 I'll probably stay with sims 3 for a while and just check out sims 4 gameplays on youtube ^^
inactive user
haha~ xx I wonder what Sims 4 will be like?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 31, 2013
Haha xx it's fine!! Shopping in Cambridge... Totally worth it!! <3 xx hope you had fun! Xx after they brought out university they brought out island paradise and now the into the future pack xx. This is the last one though before Sims 4 xx :( xx
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