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Tara, 36 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 722.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2011
Tara onnie~ how are you? do you still remember me? :( long time no talk :( i miss you :(
lets talk again! i have so much story to tell and i want to hear your story too :D
take care~
inactive user
Hi Tara!! How are you?
Have you received my postcard?
Hope to hear you soon! Take care ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2010
you ve been gone for too long Tara...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2009
unnie.. i miss you... i miss talking with you..
how are you? last time we talked was when you will go to europe..
that's such a long time ago!!!
we should talk more sis.. there's so much i want to tell.. hihihi
miss you my sis!!! :D
inactive user
Hi Tara! I hope you have a wonderful time in Europe. (: I am leaving for Japan in 4 days and am very excited!
inactive user
I guess you went on a trip now!!
Message me when you're back, I'll reply to your wall message!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2009
heyhey sis!!
waaaa... you must be on europe now...
anyways, have a nice holiday!!!! xDDDDDDDDDD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2009
Hello Tara,

Long time no talk. I'm sorry for not keeping in touch very well; the end of my school year got busy and I wasn't able to keep up with Interpals as much as I would have wanted to. I'm on my summer break now, so other than my job I have quite a bit of free time, so I'm not nearly as busy.

Are you on any sort of vacation? Here in America we get a break from school from about May to August (depending on where you go to school). It's a nice time to relax, and I get to make money from my job, for school or whatever else I need it for.

I've heard a lot about Korea in the news lately, especially with the current situation in North Korea. How are South Koreans handling the situation?

Anyway it's getting late here and I have to go to bed so I can get up for work in the morning, so I hope to talk to you again very soon!

inactive user
Oh and of course you can add me as your friend!!
Thank you =)
inactive user

Thanks, but I'm sure that Korean language is the best choice =)
That's true, who knows the future, but everything thinks about his future a lot, and that's normal! I agree, just live yur life and you'll see !
mmm Southeast Asia is developing countries , right?
And what's the easiest language to learn for you? Japanses ,since it's quite similar?

Yes, France is like a "melting pot" , but there are lots of inequalities here, coloured people are discriminated against! That's sad, and people try to fight it!
Oh really? It's hard for a foreigner to find a job in Korea ? What a shame !
For example, when I'll go to Korea for my studies I would like to get a job ( as a waitress or something ) will I have a chance to be hired? Is my appearance a problem to get a job since I'm a westerner?

Wooow that's so cool, with your best friend!!!
Oh it's normal that you're nervous, it's understandable, I mean you'll be in places you don't know, which you don't speak the language very well ... but it will be awesome, so exciting!!
Oh ok I understand, yes your friend is lucky! Mais quand feras tu un échange linguistique toi? C'est bientôt, non?
when is your birthday? That's a good present, indeed xD

Of course I know " Fire ", the song is really cool!! I really like them, they are different from the other girls bands! And they said that they won't "act cute", which I hate, so I'm glad of it! And Minzy is awesome, which one is your favourite?
That's great! do you have Clazziquai's cds??
Err, I hope I can go to there concerts too, but it's quite impossible for me ! xD
Have you already been to a concert (from another singer)?

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