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Daisuke, 39 y.o.
Takasaki, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 147.
inactive user
Konnichiwa Daisuke ^^
How are you??
Summer is coming for you now??
Hope you're good ^^
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2009
Hiii ^^ !! ogenki deska ?

Wow China for 5 days ?! was it cool ? :) what did you do there ?

Last week I was in Berlin (Germany) for 5 days too ^^ and I'm back today~ I'm sooo tired T^T !!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2009
konbanwa!! ( 9 ji 25 hun desu) <= it's right?
mmm...o genki desuka? ^-^')
me...i'm fine!!

ooooh...i see...thanks for your explain (*^-^*)
Oh? really? Super Junior they not famous at Japan?...because they did an "event in Japan" at "Tokyo Dome" and i thinked they you know "Rokkugo Japanese version"? with moeyan? you know "Hard Gay" <= he's so funny! XD
have a very nice day and take care a lot!! thanks a lot!!
inactive user
Ah, I see..^^
Their songs are somewhat funny and most korean men like them.
Are you learning law in college?
Wow.. My major is mechanical engineering in Univ.
Perhaps, you wll be a attorney or a judge in the future.
Those who want to be a lawer or a judge must pass some test in Korea. That is called 司法試驗.
How about Japan?
inactive user
That's very nice!! And what have you did and visitated??
inactive user
sugoi! to China!? sounds interesting!
hope you have fun and nice trip!!
inactive user
Nice to meet you.^^
Can you tell me why you like Wonder girls?
There already are many girl singers like Wonder girls in Japan. right?
inactive user
genki desuuuuuuuu!!!!

kyou wa dou deshita ka ?
hows your day goin ? ^-^

Yoi ichinichi wo!
Genki deee!!~
inactive user
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