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Fortina Qualifa, 31 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 41.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2011
Im fine fofow, how's your leg? get well soon :]
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2011
udah lama fo baliknya, ngapaiiiiiin? mager gue tiap hari hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2011
udah gue beliin kok fo keripik nangka tapinya, eh tapi kan ga tau ketemu elunya kapan. ntar udah abis di rumah gue lagi akakakak
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2011
itu beli dimana foooo? gue belom nemu inih
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2011
halo fofo! long time no see. how are you? akakakka
inactive user
Noo Kennywood is a lot smaller than Disney!! Hahaha bit its still fun! :)
That's cool! Yea I think I'll Google it :):)
inactive user
Oh awesome! I would love to see a temple!
Ahhh that's sooooo cool! We have a komodo dragon at our zoo! Hahaha

Oh nice! I love amusement parks, we have one too its called Kennywood :)
Oh that's cool, so like there is gold in the monument?

It's no big deal! :)
inactive user
Well my city is pretty small, but the entire skyline is awesome to see. And The Point is also a great place to see. Also we have some pretty cool buildings like the PPG building, and the football stadium and the baseball park!

How about Indonesia? What's your town like??
inactive user
Ok fhofo:)
Nooo I don't! To much drama! Hahah
inactive user
Awe well that is good to hear! :)
Hahaha i'll try not to forget, the next time we will get snow is in about 8 months hahahah.
Hmm well all my friends call me Kristen :)
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