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Flora19, 52 y.o.
Panalanoy, Philippines [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
Hi...from Canada!
inactive user
Hi...from Canada!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2010
how are you. what is your favorite food? right now its pretty cold outside. how is it in your part of the world. you like movies? what is your favorite? i enjoy movies a lot. i cant say which one is my favorite. there is so many good movies. have you ever seen far and away. tom cruise and nicole kidman. that movie had everything. action comedy romance. what do you like to do for fun. i haven't had a good time in a long time. thats because im getting over this injury. i was hit by a car in 2001 and stuff just not the same. im 32 no w but i was robbed of my golden years . your 20's. now everybody got babies and families. im just odd man out
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2010
Hi Flora...Greetings from Belgium...Nice pictures...But why didn't you wrote anything in your profil???...
Greetz Franky
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2010
hi there
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2010
Hey flora,
I look at you and i see a nice person ..and yet i hope you do not forget your concious ..there are those that will attempt to cage that beauty for themselves and use it for their own ends ...a true friendship offers unconditional support , an abundance of motivationa ..and a sincierty that brings trust and respect ..settle for NOTHING less
inactive user
hi from arizona
inactive user
you are verry pretty
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2010
Can we be friends?
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