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Kawsu, 35 y.o.
Banjul, Gambia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 685.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2012
kul man warap?????????
inactive user
You can call me Eric- thats my first name. Esmith is only my User name, because my last name is smith.

im doing alright. im really busy lately. i have work in not too long. you?
inactive user
Hello my name is Asia, a strong follower of Christ. How are you?
inactive user
Hi, hows it going?
inactive user
Hi there, my name is Mayzsam and I'm a student from the Netherlands.
At the moment I'm working on an essay and I kindly ask for your help.
I need about 120 people all over the world who are willing to fill in a survey for me.
The research that I am doing is about the diffirences between people worldwide in the influences of sports on their health.
Also I want to know if it depends on where they live in the world.
I hope I can count on you. You would really help me out as I only have one month to finish it.
Thanks in advance.
Greatzz Mayzsam

1. Where do you come from and where you live now?
2. Which sport is generally the most represented sport in your country?
3. Is it a habit to encourage kids from an early age to participate in a sport?
4. Are there any organized nationwide sports events and how often?
5. What kind of sports do you practice?
6. How many times a week do you sport?
7. What else do you do besides sports to maintain your health?
8. Does money play a big role when it comes to health?
9. How do you experience health care in your country?
10. Is there in your workplace / school much attention paid to physical activity?
11. Do you experience your sport as a hobby or is it a part of your life and why?
inactive user
I'm doing good thanks. How are you?
inactive user
yeah it sure has how ya doing
inactive user
Im good and you
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2010
Am gud! Nd u bro?How is Gambia.. 1 luv!
inactive user
i miss u too :) y u not online on msn?
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