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Fizzbomb, 57 y.o.
Liverpool, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
hi, how are u doing? i like yr profile and i wish to have u as my friend. hope to hear from u.
inactive user
Let`s see if I got this right. You had horses for 30 years, then you had 4 kids, then 2 grown up`s, now you`re single and looking for friends. Terrible life!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2011
fine thanks, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2011
hey how are u doing i just love the pic...great..i hope u are well xx
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2011
Evening of sweet words and Welcome to our hearts and easy as possible by our words we communicate and be friends
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2011
fine thanks, i went on a school trip with my 6yr old little girl yesterday to see a castle, they didnt tell us it was on the top of a huge hill, what a hike, lol, ye i will adopt you , i need a good baby siter, lol, is that your little dog? so cute , i have a small jack russell, how are you? do you live in a town or the countryside? what do you do for fun? work? whats the weather like there? its nice and sunny here today, no rain for a change, lol nice speaking to you,
inactive user
Hi, how are you doing? Sorry, I never saw that you wrote on my wall. I rarely check and I didn't get a notification. So, you are a single mom and love horses and laughing? Perfect...and I love western Europe. So, would you like to adopt me? I could come in handy as a babysitter when you want to go out.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2011
fine thanks, and you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2011
heya how you x?
inactive user
hello, my name is thomas. I am from virginia
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