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Firanastiti, 29 y.o.
Surabaya, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 56.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2011
inactive user
From 8am to 4pm generally, and we have two free afternoons :D but we have class on Saturday morning and it ends at 5pm on Wednesday :D but with extra classes I have also two hours of studying in a week :D
HELP ME lol i'm addicted to Infinite - Paradise TT Maybe i'll buy the album via a friend in a week :3 because he can buy it from internet <3 AND a new cell phone x D that's what keeps me in a good mood when I have so much exams
inactive user
No :D I woke up at 4:30 and I had class till 7pm >.< that was tiresome TT we only have science, economy, and literature Class in Morocco and you enter better universities when you're in a scientific class u.u We had an experience with a microphone and I was sitting in the 1st seat so he asked me to say something LOL and I had nothing to say so I started repeating Jaejoong-Jaejoong-Jaejoong hehehe then ANNYEONG >.< everyone was calm, that was embarrassing
inactive user
I'm fine, I woke up at 4:30 am to study x D But I've only studied for an hour lol and I have school in 10 minutes, hope my physics' teacher won't do his quizz ^^ how are you ?
inactive user
We say: Bonjour, Bonne après midi, Bonsoir ^^
inactive user
Thank you is merci ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2011
Heyyyyy my sister :p I'm fine :p how about youuu?
inactive user
Yes ^^ Morocco is an arab country :) Nice to meet you :3
inactive user
I have KBS world and it was Ramadhan so since I was bored, I watched it every week, then I started to download it instead but I'm too far from new episodes ^^ My name is Nouha, yours ?
inactive user
Even CNU is hot lol I love all of them u.u and Channie looks older with curly hair ^_^ I don't know all of their songs but I love Stay and Mona Lisa, also G.O's Even in my dreams (He's AMAZING in Immortal song <3)
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