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Jackson, 48 y.o.
Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2015
hi I want pen pals. therefore can I take you as my pen pal? I m Abdullah ,live in turkey in İstanbul . I hope to see you
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2014
Where There is Love, Nothing is Missing

The businessman looked around the vacation villa in Puerto Vallarta. Plain, but clean and well furnished. A good place to grab a few days away from his failing business and troubled marriage. He had brought a large supply of sleeping pills and had requested several bottles of Tequila to be brought to his room. Perhaps he could at least drown a few of his worries.
He watched as the housekeeper stocked the villa's kitchen - frozen dinners, some dry cereal, and thankfully, four large bottles of liquor - they had paid careful attention to his unusual requests. The frozen dinners would be easy - he could focus on his lonely drinking, and lose himself.
Jim noticed the housekeeper's slow movements, the stoop in her shoulders, the stubby yellowed teeth. It was somehow comforting to see that other people could be even worse off than he was. Even with his company troubles and impending divorce, Jim was sure he could always find the money to keep his teeth whitened and in good repair - even find the money for the hair transplant he had promised himself. He shivered a little, just thinking about those teeth.
The woman shuffled over to him. "Senor, you not look happy. TV dinner not good. I am Maria, I cook. I bring you real food."
"OK, OK." Jim didn't want to talk with anyone, and certainly not with this woman. Besides, a taco might be better than microwave food - if it showed up on his table.

The bustling in the kitchen brought Jim out of the depths of his hangover. It hadn't been a really big night - less than a whole bottle of booze, and none of the sleeping pills - he might want to take those all at once. Still, he felt really lousy, and resented the intrusion. The bedside clock showed 12:30 as Maria opened the curtains and sunlight poured in.
The enticing smells of spicy meat and corn filled the villa. Maria stood over him, offering a plate of tamales. "Senor, eat. You feel be
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2013
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2013
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2013
Maturity is not a function of age & distance but a function of your character.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2013
Characters and attitude matter most,... Check yourself in order to attain a good relationship.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2013
Knowing real Mission of your life & Your secret self?

Life is a constant travel on the timeline where you walk every instant. There is a time of repose when your body sleeps but your mind's sub-conscious areas- which in reality are your vibrating soul fields; are guarding you.

Around your physical body there are seven to nine circles of light each of different color; that circle around you like a complete wheel shaped rainbow.

This light can only be seen with a special eye. These vibrating fields are always hovering around you, protecting you from negative and killer vibrations. They also contain a connection to the universal mind where your feelings and emotions channel, run and permanently stored.

Your connection to the root is permanent, like a computer connected with cable to the server. You change your natural configurations and you start having problems.

When you become totally involved with skeleton body, the senses and get lost in them, trying to extract pleasure, like squeezing juice out of nuts but thinking they are luscious fruits; you get disconnected with your soul fields. When that happens you become disconnected from your real self and think of mind.

Mind is not your real self but an alert mechanism to store experiences, stored as thoughts, and to protect you. Mind is selfish and let you think in terms of ME, mine and I. Look beyond mind.

Look at a candle. Wax is body, the twig in it is mind and when you fire it, the energy comes out as a flame that's your soul.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2013
To respect & protect all children, women, men of all classes, castes, nationalities, colors, races, faiths and languages with equality. You don't know where you will birth next time.
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