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Rina Yamamoto, 39 y.o.
Loddon, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 315.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2020
I'm Andrea, I don't speak Japanese but I'd like to learn it, even if just a little.
If you like to deepen your knowledge of the Italian language and culture, we can try a language exchange.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2013
Thanks for add me as friend ... :) .. so how's going on now adays..
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2013
hello there! warm regards from bali, indonesia :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2013
Well, if you ever do get a chance to come to Melbourne, be prepared for unpredictable weather. Even during summer, we get rainy days. And in winter we get sunny and warm days. It's bizarre. And there aren't any good beaches here in Melbourne either. But, there are LOTS of fun places to go and lots of cool shit to do.

I've never been to Tasmania either... It might be interesting to check out. But come here! I'll be your tour-guide ^-^''

oooh no! I've never eaten crocodile meat before! O__O why, have you? What's the strangest food you've ever eaten?

haha, oh my. If you're not careful, you're going to sound like a bogan! Next you'll be saying things like "fair dinkum" or "bob's your uncle" Which are two very common australian phrases.

oh. Do you have Japanese friends here in Australia?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2013
oh wow! You're darting from one state to the next. I've never thought that Australia was a lucky country. I've never lived anywhere else, so I don't know what it's like overseas. Why is Australia lucky? Kangaroo are cool. I ate some kangaroo for the first time in my life a couple of months ago. It's surprisingly tasty o__o

the weather in broome was "bloody hot" haha. You're even starting to sound Australian.

oh god! You drove from Perth to Broome?? That must have taken foreverrrrrrrrr! But if you were doing it with friends then that would be lots of fun.

Will you ever consider visiting Melbourne?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2013
wow! I've spent my whole life in Australia, and you've seen more of this country than I have o__o haha. I've never even been to WA. Is the weather really hot in Broome?
inactive user
hi rina,
how are you? hope to have you as a friend here in interpals.
bis dann und tschüß :)
inactive user
hey ~
how are you ? :)
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Hi nice to meet you !
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