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Hyun Jeong, 46 y.o.
Bucheon-si, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2015
안녕 하세요
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2015
네.저는 만나서반가워요
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2015
안녕 하세요
inactive user
Hi I read your profile and I looking for someone to help me with my Korean. I love the music and movies and would like to be able to enjoy them without sub titles. I have been taking classes for about a month now. Would you mind helping me? Veleka
inactive user
I know... :D When I was into MMORPG there were lots of korean games (and players)... :D My internet connection was very very slow, and I wondered how could some players - for example - pick up objects so quickly... :D
What did you do in the Online Game Company?

MMORPG divour so many time... :'( You did a wise choice when you decided to take a break from them... I'm sure you'll improve your english rapidly with interpals.. :)
inactive user
You were really great... :) It's a shame you're not playing those games anymore...
I tried some MMORPG in the past, but I stopped after a while... I don't like neverending games...
I prefer playing "retrogames", as they're called now, or "vintage games"... :D
I still play Commodore 64 games, for example!
Anyway there are some PC games I've been playing for a very long time (but very rarely, due to the lack of spare time...) and that I enjoy a lot, like "Puzzle Quest" and "Sacred"... :)
inactive user
What kind of games do you like? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2015
I can't speak Korean because I onlr study....your language I very like,because very beautiful...but very difficult))))
inactive user
I read your profile. So cool to see you are visiting all of these wonderful places.
I am learning Korean. I plan to visit in September. Just like you I find Korean difficult to learn. But I am optimistic that I will learn enough before I visit. Add me as a friend if you are interested in exchanging our languages. I look forward to meeting you.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2015
Are u going to italy?
So sorry i m Mathia nice to meet u
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