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Env, 30 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 5869.
inactive user
Oh btw I made a korean friend on a bus station and I added her on Facebook lol guess I don't really need interpals to talk to koreans aha
inactive user
Same some try to talk to me and their English isn't that great...but I've only really had trouble with 2... I have some really nice korean friends, I'm sure they'd be happy to help you if you're traveling alone. I traveled alone and it was both amazing and scary
inactive user
Surprisingly I get a bunch of messages from Koreans xD you should see my fb lol I was here for Japanese friends but on my last account all I got was koreans, I even had a fling with 1,
inactive user
Oh you should visit guanajuato :) and I'm jelly that you're visiting korea, I might go there next year... but some Korean boys annoy me
inactive user
Lol what a strange combo ahaha you should visit Mexico if you haven't already. I went there when I was a kid
inactive user
It's crazy to find someone interested in Mexico. I'm American but I'm of Spanish and Mexican descent
inactive user
Hey, greetings from USA! I saw that you like Fatal Frame...which one is your favorite? I've played 2 (Crimson Butterfly) and am in the middle of the 3rd one right now.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2015
Hi Nice to meet you! My name is Seungpyo HOng~ ^^ call me Pyo! lol
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2015
:) hello~
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2015
Yeah ! you should : )
How are u ?
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