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Kaylee , 34 y.o.
Calgary, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
inactive user
random offensive comment
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2008
hey... How are u doing?
inactive user
Hey I haven't talked to you in forever what's up?
inactive user
Just wanted to say I LOVE the way your profile switches from \"about me\" to your \"requests\". On the \"about me\" the poetic style, short rows, sounds a bit shy, a bit cool, a bit reserved. And then from out of the blue sky comes this Demand of respect, almost giving orders which you more expect than hope to be followed... It\'s like taken out of \"The Importance of Being Earnest\" by Wilde or something like that. Almost Shakespearian...

Really hope I didn\'t crash your self-confidence or so, it was only my intention to strengthen it...
If I can do so by being your friend, I\'d be glad to be your friend.

Hey, we live on roughly the same latitude... If I look at Spica tonight, will you join me in Canada? It\'s the Magnitude 1 star in the center of the sky (I believe) when you look to the south in the early night, at about 10 pm I believe...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2008
ya France is beautiful and the people r very kind.
u should realy go there when u have the chance

Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2008
i\'m good
just came back from france.
I went there for a week snowboarding and skiing.
was sweet.

Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2008
hey..remember me??
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2008
hey it\'s been a long time
how r ya?

Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2008
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2008
I\'m fine aswell thankyou ^^
Nice pic btw =]
I didn\'t say I couldn\'t teach you anything.. I could teach you Maltese if you like :P haha.. I just can\'t teach you French and Spanish :<
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