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Ems501, 28 y.o.
Belfast, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 93.
inactive user
Hi :) How are you doing?
inactive user
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2012
can you find the user 'cherishari' in youtube? this guy upload some sherlock korean dubbing scenes
inactive user
hi :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2012
maybe i can send you a link! you could hear dubbing :D anyway, do you heard watson yell Sebastian in the 101 too?
inactive user can I watch them? there's no BBC channel on or maybe only for me?
haha, I found another geek in here and guess who the first one that I found. twitter! isn't it hard to use? I can not use it at all...but

atm? you mean,,,like banking? I don't know what you mean !
inactive user
Haha I'm good at
Nothing's matter unless you explain it French or something xD

Well...I like drawing :) and loveeee music. Especially Jessie J, she's my favourite :DD nothing's special I guess haha
Tell me about your life or interests or something :))))
inactive user
Cool, then let me know sherlock and doctor who :D

I would like to know you too!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2012
I LOVE BENEDICT(': his eyes, his hair, his CHEEKBONES xD Martin's ok...but in a Awww cute way ^_^ I love Andrew Scott too...he is amazing in the Reichenbach fall.."and honey you should see me in a crown" <3 :') I would love to hear the dubbing...i would probably know every word xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2012
i like BENEDICT! but.... martin freeman better..... andrew become popular here, i think. and i think korean dubbing voice of moriarty is awesome hehe
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