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Elshaddai0226, 34 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 208.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2010
hello :D
want to be friends? :D
inactive user
hi there!!
inactive user
yea you can say that..
inactive user
its because im not japanese, lol x)
inactive user
me too wht ur name?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2009
..;; I'm sorry but .. please don't say to me, like 'I wanna meet you' ;; In fact, I'm scary o.O ;; and we really don't know anything about each other ^^;; can you understand me o_o ?
inactive user
So haha my major it
hard hard hard hard double hard tOo

inactive user
Aha radiation look interesting :D
it study hard or not? ^^
inactive user
my major is science engineering ^^"
what you major? :)
inactive user
i'm university student ^^
and what about you?
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