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Derrickdee, 34 y.o.
Dublin, Ireland [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2014
Yeah each yo there own
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2014
Your favourite quote Is disrespect to women no problem tho decent women wouldn't put up with you people who treat women like that end up with the trashy hoes not the respectful ones do yoo bad for you a lady will never be your Ho but a prostitute will just say in
inactive user
Wait, this is a show?
I thought we were REALLY kicking some ***.
inactive user
Haha George is good.
It means Black Widow? How's that?
inactive user
Well James, I need a sweet name and we'll discuss the price over documents that can be found. Seems like a good climax.
inactive user
Haha men dig it.
Shut up.
I'm looking for a better job. That's about it.
It only takes like thirty seconds to do that to my lips.

What have you been up to, Ken? *smirks*
inactive user
I've been good thanks
How have you been?
inactive user
Haha thanks for laughing at that...
I'm great. How are you, doll?
inactive user
Hey :)
inactive user
How are ya?
Long time no...speak.
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