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David liu, 40 y.o.
Zhuangyuan, China [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2010
hii hows that apple businness doing??
inactive user
Uuuu.. It is really interesting!­! Wearing red underwear, yup it is good to hearing yours superior. Oh, this year is the MICE YEAR? I was told that this year is COW YEAR. Ummm China and Korea use different one or...? Anyway, my feelings get better. :) I agree that Positive thinking makes me healthy. ;)

Anyway David, you know? Today is my birthday!!! Hahahahaha you should give me a birthday present! :D Today, I was happy, toched. I believe my friends are really good friends to me. They didn't my birthday and make me jolly. Uuu Happy day!
inactive user
I guess you really love a hot, spciy food. Well althogh I don't like that like food, someday I'll eat the sheng cai!

Noway~ I'm not a pig!!! :D And, sure. I was born in year of the monkey. No PIG! :b How about you? Uuu today I was irritated. I don't know why. :) Heh, Soon we also have the seollal (Korean's New years day) which the biggist festival. I have to go to my grandma's home. ;)
inactive user
Sure, David ! ;)

I've heard of Paozai, this may be a Konch, isn't it? Wow you like really hot food.. I can't eat spicy food well even I'm a Korean. Heh, I like pizza, chicken, sushi, sea food. In fact I love almost every food except disgusting foods. :D

Then you are in a festival? Wow awesome. What kind of festival? I wish I'm also in there, I envy you, David..
inactive user
Oh , then your name can translate big jade, like bright person, right? :D My name is 洙英. :) Wow, you have even three books about Korea! What is in it?

Sure! But I think you may hard to understand my explain. I'm not good teacher. But I'll try! :) First, my name can pronouce 'Yang su young' (In Korean it can write like this 양수영) Can you find some rules?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2009
....aha... good to know, but seems as if that's not much of a very good reason.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2009
你好 is that right ?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2009
Hey how are you? It's nice to meet you. How is your english? I want to know Chinese. Can you teach me some. Anyways happy new year
inactive user
Oh, Yuwei! I know what 玉 means but 伟 imply what? In dic, it is no explain YAY. In uni, you are learning quite many languages! I envy you. English, Korean.. Anyother languages you learning now?Sure, I can teach you some Korean :) Do you know Korean alphabet? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2009
well, david. hey :)
thanks for your message.
what else are you interested in, in why do you want to be MY friend? lots and lots of questions to be answered first

best regards
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