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Darklightwar, 48 y.o.
Stryker, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2013
Hey Kerry,

How are ye doing? my life has been a rollercoaster the last year as well. Work is very bussy and chaos and we do need more people but they don't have the money to hire more people so we have to deal with a lot of work pressure.
For the moment it is extremly hot here and i really don't like the heath . I prefer the cold more but that is just me ;-)
I don't mind the sunshine i just don't like the high temperatures. Today it was over 35 degrees. Luckily i work only night shifts i have to work the whole weekend. I'm at work now.
Good to hear that you have such a good group who play music glad to hear that you have things that enjoy you .
About the work that is indeed not so cool but you can only hope that things will get better.
I have vacation in september and i'm looking forward to it i do need some time to relax and to put everything on a row i have lots of things to think about it and i have to make some difficult decisions but i have to do that now before it is too late and i wont trust a living soul ;)
Anyway i have to work a bit now but i'll send you mail one of these days.

see you lynne
keep up the spirit ;-) :-)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2013
Hey kerry,

How are you doing? i'm now at work. I haven't given up on you because i have the same problem. it sometimes takes a long time before i answer my mails and so. the last year has been a year of hell and it is still not really good.sometimes i just don't want to talk about it because it wont make a difference. bad things happen and we just have to find a way to deal with it and get over it but that takes lots of time. i'll send you a longer mail one of these days. for the moment it is extremely warm over here 36 degrees and that is to warm for me.
how are the temperatures over ther? how are things going for you?

see you
lynne :-)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2013
Apparently, I have not updated my wall since May of last year. I have been learning to play the guitar for the first time in my life over the last 6 or 7 months. It is taking my musicianship in wholly new directions.
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2013

how are ye doing? A bit later but still a happy birthday. I hope you had a great day. How are things going for you now?

see you
Lynne :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
My least favorite season will be upon me in a little over a month. Time to hibernate.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2011
Hey Kerry,

How are you doing?
I guess you ar busy. it's kinda busy here too.
hope to hear from you

see you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
hey kerry,

how are you doing? how is summer going?
sorry that i haven't been in touch but i was busy with exams and the job interviews. i finally found a new job and i'll probaly start in september. i passed for my exams and i still have to follow 7 courses before i have my degree of teacher. how are things going overthere? here things are going there usual way.
anyway that is it for now and i'll send you a mail one of these days.

see you
have a great weekend
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2011
I had a job interview and it didn't went well. it is to say that because i was 15 minutes to late i didn't get the interview anymore so that sucks but we move on to the next interview. i hate going to job interviews but i guess there is no other way to get a job so to bad for me.
congratulations with the upcoming anniversary of your quarter century. maybe a stupid questions but what is quarter century?
otherwise things are kinda okay.
how are things otherwise overthere?

see you
lynne :-)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2011
hey kerry,

how are you doing? i just read your mail and i'll answer it later today.
how are things overthere now. here we have the firs sunshine and it is great. it has been to rainy and cold fo a long time.
i'm still busy with jobhunting but i'm taking my time to find something that is right this time. i have changed already enough from jobs.
i'm still busy with my studies to become a teacher and we have to do a lot of tasks. sorry that i haven't been around lately. some unsolved issues and i guess sometimes it is easier said then done.

anyway i'll send you a mail at least today or at the latest tommorrow

so do you have any plans for the weekend?

see you
lynne :-) ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2011
Well, I guess I better start getting used to the warmer weather. I will miss the cold weather though. No allergies, no insects, it'll come back though, it always does.
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