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Dario, 36 y.o.
Buenos Aires, Argentina [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 378.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2010
dude,,,,long time no seeeee...Merry Xmas ~~~and Happy new year !!!~ lol ;):P
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2010

Cada amigo de River es mi amigo! Gran gif arriba! Además tenés una linda colección de bandas, jeje.

¡Viva River!

Saludos desde Austria
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2010
I'm just fine what about you?
My mother tongue is Swedish and Spanish :) Swedish is not really that difficult , if you know the language ;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2008
hey dude``Merry Christmas``````lol :D
inactive user
Hungarian is very different from any other language I know of.
inactive user
Well I've heard that it's easier for Korean or Japanese speakers to learn the other language, but as a foreigner, they don't feel that similar to me.
inactive user
Haha, well I can't speak all of those languages, just a little Hungarian and Japanese, and I'm learning Korean now. They're most just languages I'm interested in.
inactive user
gracias?...creo lol :D
que es tu nombre?
inactive user
well its 9:01 were i live so yay like i said wimps lol ^^
inactive user
very lol dam im tierd but i wont go to sleep lol
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