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Danielle, 32 y.o.
Calypso, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 126.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2008
Hello! so, do you speak italian? I'm learning english but don't very well :)
inactive user
Hey. How r u? Ur pretty btw!
inactive user
I like to get out a lot..the outdoors stuff, I like playing sports, gettin lost in the woods, discoverin new stuff in the wilderness..stuff like that. I just hate bein indoors, I have a wild mind so I'm always escaping to wherever I possibly can
inactive user
I listen to the everything..a lot of classic rock, reggae, rap, hip hop, jazz...anything that sounds good. Right now I was just jammin out to bob that guy he's awesome. What else do U do to keep urself busy?
inactive user
Good luck with ur comp tho, it sounds like U knw ur dance lol. Ya I love playin, even tho I'm not great but u better net tht I can groove ;) lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2008
Good combo ;]
inactive user
hey u like rock? whats ur favorite band?
inactive user
Ya I'm a hippie at heart. That's cool, I've never met a dancing hippie, what kind of dance do U do? Trueskie, that aint too far at all =) noticed ya love music..I just started to learn the drums, can't get enough of em..I dnt know what I'd do w/o my music..its the best escape ya know :) what do U listen to?
inactive user
By the way...I really dig ur hippieness ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2008
Hi there, I'm Juliano, nice to meet you Danielle. I'm alright, just got in from practicing riding my bike, I got my license last weekend so I've been having fun with that. How are you? Hows North Carolina treating you?
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