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Damon, 28 y.o.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2016
Hi there! Im Bee!!! How are you? Im a university student in Korea!! I just saw your profile and I felt like we can be a good friend!! If you are okay then we can talk more and get to know each other on KAKAO app!! do you have ID on KAKAO? seeya!
inactive user
yes I hope we can be good friends and chat on here or other sites.
message me ok
inactive user
Hello I am t j from UK good to meet you here.
I hope we can be good friends now.
Message me ok I am on Skype line wechat.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2015
Hello~ nice to meet you~
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2015
Horror movies are the best ahah
inactive user
Haha i know right?! I have a long, tedious journey ahead of me T_T .. But I'll make it eventually~ I hope your career path is better than mine will be LOL. And btw nice to meet you!
inactive user
Well in my case it will take quite long because I also want to earn my PhD but in general to become a registered optometrist it would take approximately 8 years... It probably will be, but I'll just have to try my best
inactive user
Oh wow nice! I will be starting off as a biology major first because thats what my school has to offer and then eventually branch into pre-med/optometry courses in the later years :0 !
inactive user
Well I just graduated highschool recently so I will be a first year in college around late August which is when we go back to achool :D
inactive user
Just stumbled across your profile, but I'm studying/majoring in for the same field as you, optometry :D
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