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Cuteguy77, 39 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City & Hometown]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2012
inactive user
Thanks ! I enjoy it immensely too :P
inactive user
Hi Bruce !!! Nice to meet you : P No, I will stay clear of the alligators, haha, thank Goodness my job does not entail chasing them !! I am Samantha or Sam : S
inactive user
thanks for the view., :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2010
no not yet! Im planing to visit Canada in March xD
its not Rocky mountains tho :))
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2010
LOL Everyone except good ol' Russell! I love that movie! Jouquin Phoenix was a sinister guy in that.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2010
saigon is ho chi minh city.nice to know u
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2010
omg kid....i just saw your wall post(s), you wrote a lot! i'll be coming up to toronto later this week. how's the weather over there? lol. it actually started raining here in vancouver, but the rain isn't all that bad. it hasn't rained for the past couple of weeks, it's pretty dry. i'll be going camping with my friends on vancouver island, and hopefully that will be a great time? that profile pic of your is pretty cute, i like your haircut! ;)
other than that, your webpage that you showed me sometime ago, i read through it, and yes, you have some writing talents for sure!
hope all is well. wish me happiness!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
fav scene in Gone with the Wind? it must have been the part where Scarlett was starving and she pulls up the vegetable right from the earth and eats it, saying that as God is her witness, she will never starve again. it left me with a great impression. i think her determination and perseverance is most admirable.
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