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Anthony, 33 y.o.
Santa Monica, United States [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 137.
inactive user
yo yo,Anthony! i read ur profile.i'm looking for friends who can be my actual friends!and i have some! in next my home,i've ever met them yet though lol Anyway, i hope you will be my actual friend tooo!!! huh? :D
inactive user
hey i like your quote XD
we should talk sometime :)
ayesha xx
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2009
inactive user
Hahaha, ok, cool.
inactive user
Have you told leslie, about the naughty no no. Haha. And the ABDC tickets???
inactive user
Omg!!! That totally makes up for you liking Miley!! Hahaha, yes, hopefully we can go!!!
inactive user
Hahaha, it's ok, I think Billy likes her too. =/ but still, ewww blah.. Haha
inactive user
Omg hahaha, I mean 'nooooo!' haha, eww, whyyyy?
inactive user
What's wrong?? I'm sorry I left last night. What's wrong???
inactive user
Hahaha, idk.. Maybe something not so bloody..
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