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Robert, 37 y.o.
New Brunswick, United States [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 90.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19
Hope you enjoy your time on my profile
Reply - Conversation - May 17
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2010
hey! Robert doing fine? I just wanted to say hi! and ask how u're doing :)! everything's going fine?^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2010
hahah and the fact that in Russia bears walk around the streets and play balalaika is not true either =)
Брат is too hard for foreigners I think. You know, I watched american pie and understood only general meaning from separate words (they speak so fast!!!) I prefer to watch cartoons like the lion king :)
I'm interested in all languages, I've even tried to teach myself french but it was for nothing :P because nobody speaks french here and there is no one with whom i can practice it.
Do you have a profile in ? It would be great if you have, I'll add you to my contact list.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2010
oh in russia it's so hot, about 35 C all this month!
you can ask me everything about russian language, i'll try to answer
as for me i dont like reading, i prefer watching movies, listening to music etc. i think thats the best way to learn language
Reply - Conversation - Jun 22, 2010
hey man! i can help you with russian if you want. how well do you know this language?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2009
hahaha... it's so stupid when people use k*wa insetad of coma.. imagine saying f** in every sentance:P
I had pleasure to meet many wonderful Americans:) but if I have to say something in general I think many of you are not well educated and don't know for example where Poland is situated!:P hah
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2009
hahaha. if they're cool.. I could discuss about that xD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2009
why Polish?:)
inactive user
Hey! I'm well, how about you? I'm still keeping up with German, haven't done a thing about Russian and am now also interested in adding French to the list again. xD
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