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Cole, 34 y.o.
Marinette, United States [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 15, 2011
hey i remember reading about at comic-con last year that they were in the planning process of mkaing the movie, and brad pitt had already agreed to be in the movie. although i think he would be a bad fit for the role.

ooh btw: i'm james. its nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 15, 2011
zomg! i love world war z! i hve read it like five times. i freaked out when i found out they were going to make a movie
inactive user
I Once Had A Dream
Full Of Unicorns And Bling
All Around Me Sprung Up Taylor Swift
My Can She Sing
But Then The Hearts Queen
Got Mad With Envy
She Chopped Off Poor Taylor's Head!
There Was Blood Aplenty!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2011
mmm :) !!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2011
I am very active do not feel bored. I wish you well from the depths of my heart. :) ;)
Can you tell me about yourself? :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2011
inactive user
Yep, really in order for it to work out it would have to be easily transmissible, with a long dormant period, and sudden onset. If there was a long onset everyone would just be like "He's turning zombie". If it wasn't delayed onset, it would just burn itself out, or else nations would just impose quarantine. But I suppose zombie movies aren't really supposed to be about logic, they're supposed to be about the joy of killing zombies.
inactive user
Ah, I guess you missed out on having a snow day then. I was kind of surprised they called off classes at my school. Colleges don't generally do that much.
True it is entertaining to think about. Personally I find the "supernaturally" rising zombies even more amusing. People get this picture of whole graveyards full of zombies rising. But remember they're buried under a considerable amount of dirt. They'd probably just end up breaking their bones trying to get out. Other than the occasional morgue breakout we in the developed world would probably barely notice.
inactive user
Well we got quite a bit of it. But it's not like they didn't see it coming. So I think they've got the roads pretty well cleaned up. How about you guys?
And yeah, though I've always found it kind of amusing that a zombie apocalypse could really spread all that well. If you turn right after infection, it would just burn itself out. So there would have to be a long dormant period. Plus the zombies would just starve when they ran out of people in the area to eat.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2011
aha yeah. ^^ .. cole plus you??>..

What's the cole ?
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