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Cjones47, 34 y.o.
Provo, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 28.
inactive user
guess it will hafta be pen and paper. doubt you'll get good internet connection there XD
They tend to treat white ppl as Gods so i have a feeling u'll have a lot of fun having them do ur bidding XD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2011
alright carlee thats true,to disturbed whiles people are busy is not nice at all.well some days u might be free to use it whiles am online so we can look forward to that day lol.

i hope u were been doing good today.
new year is just at the corner so get set and celebrate it lol hahahaa.
i hope your family are all good as well.
your friend
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2011
thats really great,am glad to hear that
say hi to ur family for me lol
i wish u happy year as well
will love to chat with u on skype oneday lol\
inactive user
yeah! i knooow it is weird XD. she moans and complains and it's soo funny :D.
so u'll be researching stress and urbanization? hmmm....well it sure will be stressful if ur gonna have to do a lot of surveys and urbanization? hmmm.....u'll probably corrupt those poor ugandan children with all your technology and stuff XD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2011
To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2011
thats very good carlee\
am glad you did enjoyed your xmass so well.
well thanks for ur reply anyway.i hope u are coping well with the life over there in USA.
take care
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2011
hello wats up
how was your xmasss
i miss u lol
how do u do?
inactive user
omg! i just got an image of a huge purple eyes squid in my head (i have an amazing imagination you see)
hahaa! getting rid of a habit while young? tht's always good! too bad i probably wont and when i get a car, i'll be able to smell petrol everytime XD

bright red like a tomato? tht is interesting! one of my friends turns bright orange when the sun hits her alot! kinda funny. and pure white?! u sure u werent a vampire or anything in ur past lyf XD

and cool! watch u researching in uganda, if u dont mind me asking XD
inactive user
a whole freakin quid?! wth?! i hate squids! their eyes creep me out :s
i just love the smell of petrol. whenever me dad is filling his car up with petrol, i just open the windows and breathe the fresh petrol smelling air XD

if u do survive it, not only will you be able to survive hell, but you'll probably get one hell of a tan! who u going uganda with anyways?
inactive user
heehee! sure was a nice thing! i was able to get things for free cos my dads family has a lot of respect in bangladesh XD

ohhhh thaliand!!!! i wanna go japan one day cos i love japanese culture and their manga and their animes and their video games oh and their petrol stations XD

wow uganda! i went their once with my school for a fundraiser we were doing! was hot has hell but it loved the experience. since ur going in the summer, it's going to be hotter than hell!

haha! thts good to know
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