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Chris, 32 y.o.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [Current City & Hometown]



Looking for



Bachelor's degree



Relationship status

In a relationship


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 390.
inactive user
oh.. well I will look into it for sure. And haha well I do not really remember how, but I do know that I was obsessed for over 2 years haaha
inactive user
really? and haha uber is expensive though....and oh that would be cool. Do they offer flexible hours?
inactive user
haha I guess I am, and I know work sucks. I wish I did not have to but I am a broke college student so I kind of have to :/ and really? what i would do though? haha i dont a have a car tho.. so..
inactive user
Oh really? thats so cool! haha I am working at eastern account systems which is reaaaally boring and I am not going back to Peru. I am permanent resident haha I do go to peru often to visit my family though.
inactive user
business management at wcsu
inactive user
omg it is boring!! and expensive! I cant seriously wait to get out of here and haha nah I actually like winter
inactive user
I did not really have a choice lol, i have" family" living here, but as soon as I graduate, I am getting the heck out of here haha
inactive user
haha yes you should lol you will not regret it
inactive user
inactive user
go to Peru
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