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Seo yoon lee, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 68.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2009
안녕!!! Nice to meet you too! How are you? How was your Chinese New Year?...I hope beautiful ;) !
Have a nice weekend,
See you soon,
Take care!
inactive user
Bri~!! heehee...I love it~!
How can you pronounce it?? I don't know how to pronounce it...^^"

No...I'm not that cute~!
actually...I'm kind of unattractive person. [= ="]
why?? you are lovely~ ^o^
I think you're the man's type!!

hahaha+ Good Luck for your writing test anyway, Bri~!!
and have a nice Christmas day~!
inactive user
weahhh~!!! sorry for my late reply, Yoon~!!
I have a lot of tests these days, so I don't have time for reply the comments~!

oh, your friend's love story is really interesting hahaha+
I hope their relationship will develope soon~!! >////<

Today I have a class in the morning but I miss it...cuz I had a headache~ [= ="]

hahaha+ I don't have any Boyfriend, I have never had sad~! [TT___TT]
maybe most guy are scared of me so they decide to leave me alone... TT v TT
I bet you must have one, right??
you're cute~!!
inactive user
oh, how sad~!!! TT-TT

but you have the other chance,right??
don't be serious~
even it was sad but not hopeless, ah??

Cheer Up, Yoon~!
Take care of yourself, Okay~!?

inactive user
Thank you, Yoon~~!!!! >333
I've seen it, it's soooooo.......HOT & SEXY~!!

this is the mega project one!!!
I think it must be hard for making this clip~
and also use a long time to finish this thing~!

I'll give all of my respect to the person who did this!!

Thanks again for send me this file~ I love it very much!
you are so kind, Yoon~!!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2008
I am studying the architecture!!!!! so I am very very busy too because It is hard to study arch.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2008
hi^^ I am fine thnx and u?
inactive user
oh, really???
whyyyy~~~ TT^TT

uhmmmm...try this one>>

dost it work this time??
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2008
my university is study at third course.I dont shoore that I get you right.sorry :)
inactive user
oh, so which uni you'll go then??

about my e-mail>>>
there are 2 underscore between "ma" and "ki"

Thank you, Yoon ~!
I'll intently wait for it.
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