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Burningbrightly, 38 y.o.
The Hague, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
inactive user
We are birthday twins! My birthday is on the 15th February 1985^^
inactive user
Hello from Japan!
Thank you for your comment on my photo album.
Are you still here? Please keep in touch:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2017
hahaha thats how i ended up with two rabbits instead of one... i wanted to get ONE rabbit and pebbles and bam bam were adopted as a pair... they were going to be killed if i didnt take them... are the shelters in your country kill shelters?

the cats are scared of the rabbit... we only have one bambam died a few years ago and with the piggies, the little kitten thought the pig was a baby and decided to cuddle with the pig... it was actually really cute... my cats are cuddle bugs!! they sleep with the kids too when the kids are upset, they come over purring and meowing!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2017
ohh geeze! your cats lay on your stuff too?? ill be laying on the floor and the cat will lay on anything i am doing... all 4 of the cats will do it!!
i never had cats before! but i always had g pigs...
are your cats rescues?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2017
yay another cat lady!! i have 4 cats and a rabbit at the moment.... my last guinea pig passed, we are waiting for the shelter to call for another rescue animal for us
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2017
cute cats!
inactive user
Thank you for your kind words on my pict!
inactive user
Yeah, my cat! thank you :) how's the weather over there?
inactive user
inactive user
Oh, it's great!! I really love the Netherlands. Of course, I've been to Den Haag a couple of times. In the future, I wanna go back to the Netherlands to work, but it could be difficult...
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