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Anny, 31 y.o.
Kyiv, Ukraine [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 258.
inactive user
Cold, the weather is changing so that means allergies =/
inactive user
Haha i agree, no school! =P
inactive user
no sorry =/ Im pretty good, really glad its the weekend!
inactive user
Haha sure, whats up?
inactive user
What do you think of Korea?
(i would like to go Ukraine^^)
inactive user
hi, i'm from Korea...
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2009
Hey how are you? Im David from UK

If you want to talk get back in touch :)

Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2009
The party was good. I am not hungover so that makes it even better. Just a little bit ill that is all :L

All Womens day eh? Interesting.

I wish there was an "All Mans day" sadly i doubt there ever will be :/

Shame that your guests have just left.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2009
Yes Edinburgh, I will be living there. It is going to be great ;D . It is a very beautiful city, and it is the capital of Scotland. Twill be good fun.

Aah good the weather is warm . I am just cooking my dinner then i am away off to a party. It will be good fun :) what are you doing tonight?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2009
haha yeah I wondered where you had gotten too mi quine' . Good look with the exams and studying. I am also in exams at the moment and i have my proper ones in May/June. Then i am moving to Edinburgh :D

Spring is kinda disappearing here, the same with autumn, it is either Winter or Summer nowadays i am finding, it isn't cool. :(

I got very drunk last night and now I am feeling like hell.
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